Cautions for in Lajin

1)   The practise of Lajin usually involves discomfort and pain!  Practise wisely in small progressive steps.  Be patient and increase the duration and intensity gradually.  Practising short sessions several times a day is better than practising an intensely painful long session.  This is important.


2)  The skin pores will open during La Jin.  When doing Lajin, wear long dress to cover the whole body to prevent catching colds or chills.


3)  Avoid drafts or wind.  Air-conditioners should be turned off. 

4)   If it is difficult for you to practice La-Jin in lying position, you may slightly bent your knees to ease your pain, but remember to draw your knees back when landing them on the ground to avoid bowlegs.

5)   Patients with hypertension, cardiac diseases, osteoporosis or other patients with weak body condition must ask for doctor’s advice before doing La-Jin.  The doctor’s permission must be obtained before doing Lajin.  


6)  People who have Jin-Suo will definitely feel painful during La-Jin, experience high blood pressure and rapid heartbeat.  The doctor must be made aware of this, and his advice followed.  Precautions must be taken by the practitioner.  It may be advisable to rest head on a pillow to prevent the blood rush to the head.

7)   The aged people, patients of osteoporosis may have weak bones, and thus care must be exercise.  Practise Lajin in gradual steady progressive steps.


8)  People who have serious illnesses or who are physically weak may faint when they experience pain. These people should practise Lajin in gradual steady progressive steps.

9)   If you find your hands or feet feeling numb, or if you have symptoms such as cold sweat or blue in the face (called hyperventilation syndrome in western medicine), you should cover your mouth and nose with a paper or plastic bag to create a closed system. The symptoms will disappear in about five minutes.


10)  NEVER stretch with too much force, stay within your pain threshold or you’ll risk injury.  The important point is to continue stretching for a long amount of time – at least 10 minutes (to stimulate blood circulation), you should be able to do this with an acceptable level of pain.


11)  Pregnant ladies should avoid Lajin.