Mechanism of Paida (patting and tapping)


Vigorous patting,  tapping, or hitting parts of the body -

·           Brings out noxious toxins from the muscle facia and ligaments closer to the exterior surface of the skin (derma)

where the body’s natural defensive functions will naturally eliminate them. 

·           Vigorous beating sets up a vibrational rhythm that stimulates the body’s natural healing functions.

·           Stimulate the body’s acupoints to invigorate Qi flow in acupuncture channels and internal organs. 

It is an alternate form of acup therapy.

·           Stimulate and invigorate blood circulation.

·           Applied pressure to bones strengthens them and makes them less likely to break.

·           Calcifies deposits on bone surfaces will eventually dissolve.


The most important therapeutic principle of Paida Fa is the elimination “sha” or toxins.


Patting, slapping or tapping the affected area pounds the Sha blockage, thus dispersing it. 

The hitting forces the disintegrated endotoxins out with the blood thru the ruptured capillaries towards the subcutaneous

layers of the derma where the natural ‘warding off and expelling’ mechanism of the body is activated to resolve them.

It also stimulates Qi and blood to flow to the area, thus increasing Qi and blood circulation. 

As a result, healing is accelerated.  This therapy uses the “breaking and rebuilding” 

or  the “eliminate the old and poisonous to bring in the new and healthy”. 


The patting/tapping/slapping/hitting stimulates the body to produce antibodies, activates the immune system,

activates the central nervous system of the body to resolve the disease factors. 


Vigorous rhythmic patting/slapping/tapping may also set up or stimulate healing responses in the central nervous system

to repair and restore the body’s natural healing systems.