Combat Application
Practice and Pre-arranged Drills
Attitude is most important.
1) Combat Application Practice and Pre-arranged Drills are a two-way street. It is a "Give and
affair. Do not take
all! You should not bully your partners. It is a play
2) Be sincere and compassionate to your training
partners. Therefore, feed your
partners strikes, thrusts
and blows that are realistic in order that your
partners may be able to learn how to defend against
attacks. You must be willing to hit
your partner to help them learn. Might save their
3) Do not try to humiliate or hurt your partner! This is an
unacceptable behaviour that warrants immediate
expulsion of the offender from the
class. Please be warned.
4) Failure to perform properly is not a failure.
Failure is a failure to be aware that one is making mistakes
and not correcting the mistakes. One must
learn to admit one's defects and correct them diligently.
One must apply
full attention in combat application practices and pre-arranged drills.
5) The practice is pre-arranged with attacks and defensive
techniques that both partners must execute
in the proper sequence and timing.
Ensure you abide by the pre-arrangements. Non-abiding
results in
dangerous and unexpected circumstances
which are hazardous. This is unacceptable
level of risk,
and have a high probability of
accidents. This is also an unacceptable behaviour that warrants
immediate expulsion of the offender from
the class. Please be warned.
6) Be conscious of your partner’s needs and
capabilities. Feed your partners with
the required strength,
power, speed and vigour that is appropriate for their level of skill and strength.
7) A good feeder is a good martial artist. The way to acquire proficiency in martial arts is to learn how
to be a good feeder. Good feeding takes into account the partner’s capabilities, strength, speed,
stamina, state of mind etc. etc. etc.
8) Do not be over-zealous in attempting to hit your training partners very hard in the mistaken belief of
simulating a "real attack situation". A macho attitude is hazardous to the safety of your training partners.
It is also a very unhealthy attitude. This is also an unacceptable behaviour that warrants immediate
expulsion of the offender from the class. Please
be warned.
9) Listen to the instructions of the teacher or instructor.
Do not think you are more knowledgeable than
your teacher, and
implement your own way and steps.
10) Wear safety gear while training. Use padded weapons where