Getting Started - suggested point-by-point plan


·      Do your research into exercise options – what appeals to you, why, and  what it involves,

·      Discuss exercise plans with your doctor.

·      Research again – which class and/or which therapist?

·      Enrol in a class to learn the exercise and/or engage a personal therapist.

·      Start slowly, and progress slowly, in steps.

·        Apply heat to sore joints (optional)

·        Warm-up and stretching (mandatory)

·        Range-of-motion exercises (mandatory).

·        Joint rotation exercise (mandatory)

·        Muscle and ligament strengthening exercises (mandatory)

·        Aerobics exercises (optional)

·        Endurance exercises (optional)

·      Consider appropriate recreational exercises

·      Ease off if joints become painful or inflamed.  Consult your doctor to find the cause to eliminate it.

·      Go to the ‘next level’  -  continue with personal therapist or/or attend regular practice class and/or self-practice

·      Choose the exercise program you enjoy most and make it a life-long habit.



Written by John Chow,  a practitioner of Chinese medicine, acupuncturist, masseur, healer and teacher of Tai Chi, Chi Kung, martial arts and spiritual paths in Melbourne, Australia.

Copyright:-  No part of this article can be used, quoted, copied in any form without the permission from the author.  For further information on this article, please contact John Chow  at


Legal caveat:-

The information provided above is for general reference only. Although the author(s) has attempted to be as thorough as possible in compiling the information in this article(s), no legal responsibility nor liability is accepted for any errors or omissions. The information is presented for educational purposes only. Please refer any medical matter to your doctor before acting on any health-related information.