Types of exercises suitable for arthritic conditions


All exercises, done wisely,  and in a very broad sense,  are good and helpful therapy for most medical conditions.


Nevertheless,  for maximum benefit,  exercises that are specifically designed for arthritis should emphasise at least the following aspects:-


Stretching, warm-up, and range of motion exercises are to restore joint flexibility and maximum movement of the joints.

Joints are rotated or flexed as far as they comfortably can.  Stretching involved stretching the joint to a bit beyond its normal comfortable range.  Some patients may require assistance of a therapist or partner or equipment in stretching and range of motion exercises.  These exercises will help relieve pain, discomfort and stiffness. 


Strengthening exercises strengthen the muscles/ligaments/tendons involved in the joint’s action.  They help improve joint health, enhance joint movement, and improve alignment.  Isometric (static tension) strengthening exercise involve tightening the muscles surrounding the joints without moving the joint are especially useful for painful joints which discourage the patient from moving. 


Isotonic (dynamic tension) exercises involve  moving against resistance.  Examples are weight lifting, swimming, water exercises, weight-bearing exercises, walking up the stairs, and rubber-band exercises. 


Massage should also be part of the program,  and the patient should be taught simple self-massage.


A good arthritic program should have exercises which apply to all joints of the body which are susceptible to arthritis,  namely:-  fingers. thumbs. wrist, elbows, shoulders, hips, knees, neck.