Push Hands (Tui Shou) Practitioners Society


Head of the society:  John Chow


Objectives of the society:-

·        advancement of Push Hands skills through the study and practice of Tai Chi Push Hands.

·        open atmosphere of learning, sharing, comparing, evaluating Push Hands techniques and theory.

·        study and practice of Push Hands on a peer-to-peer basis with mutual respect and co-operation.

·        provide the venue, means, and opportunity for members to study and practise Push Hands. 


This is an exclusive and elite group of martial artists dedicated to the advancement of Push Hands skills through the study and practice of Tai Chi Push Hands. 


The prerequisite for joining the society are:-

·       evidence of being a Tai Chi Chuan practitioner.  (egsatisfactory and complete demonstration of any Tai Chi Chuan form that the society accepts.  Highly simplified health exercises based on Tai Chi (ie. Tai Chi derivatives) such as 8 Steps, 10 Steps, 12 Steps, 18 Steps Tai Chi,  or Tai Chi for Arthritis are not acceptable because they are drastically cut down versions of Tai Chi Chuan and are not reasonably complete.

·      attending a course taught by the society.

·      being of good, moral, ethical character.

·      undertaking to observe, abide by, and promote the culture and values of the society.


This society is divided into various levels of skills.  members are admitted to their particular level of skills and practise according to their level of skills until they are ready to advance to the next level.  There is no pressure to or time frame for advancing to the next level.  There members have to attend a course for admission to the next level.


The levels currently are:-

·        Novice

·        Beginner

·        Intermediate

·        Senior

·        Advanced

·        Master


The contents of each course is adequate for the survival of the member for the appropriate level.  Each higher level is more advanced, with more techniques, and since the level of danger is higher,  more stringent safety rules apply. 


The rational for requiring attendance for a course for admission to any level:-

·        ensure a minimum standard is achieved.

·        ensure a minimum level of knowledge is achieved.

·        ensure uniform level is achieved for the level.

·        ensure the required level of protocol and understanding of the rules of engagement is achieved.


On admission to a level,  the member will be able to study and practise with that group.  Part of the training of members of more advanced groups is to supervise the training of groups of lower levels. 


Group can be of any size.  While it is advantageous to have as many partners as possible to practise with,  the society will at times slip groups into manageable size for administrative purposes. 


Other than the prerequisite courses as admission to the various levels,  there are no regular classes, unless the members request so.  The main activity of the society is for its members to get together to study and practise Push Hands for the advancement of their Push Hands skills.  Other than the admission course,  there are no teachers:-  all are equal and peers within the same level,  studying and practising in partnership. 


The society will sponsor seminars/workshops from other masters and styles for the further education of its members. 


It is expected that,  with regular attendance,  a member will rise through the levels quickly.  


The society is formed on the basis of “Study and Practise of Push Hands”. 


·       Members are encouraged to raise questions for discussions, clarify doubts, resolve contradictions.

·       Members are encouraged to discuss, evaluate and compare techniques from any source, teacher, or art. 

·       Practitioners of other arts, such as Kung Fu, Karate, Jujitsu, Xing Yi, Ba Gua etc  are welcome to joint (at a later date, only after the existing  members have attained proficiency in proper and authentic Tia Chi Push Hands – so as not to pollute and corrupt the authentic way with ways from other styles.

·      Members are encourage to learn from each other and teach each other.  Even though there is a master of the whole society, there is no formal teacher for each level. 

·      Within each level,  every member is both student, teacher, partner, friend, and practitioner.  There are to be no egos. 

·      There are to be no "politics" of any kind – who is better than who’ and who should lead the group. The question has already been decided – all members are equal, and the master is the head of the group and his responsibility is to ensure all members abide by this rule.

·      Loyalty is to the society, its members and the master of the society. The society is not to be used to secretly learn and gain skills so that the individual members can go and open and promote their own martial arts schools at the expense of the society. Members have an obligation to promote the reputation and membership of the society!

·      The society is an open atmosphere.  Members are expected to help one another and share their knowledge.

·       (After the society members have stabilised their proficiency in authentic Tai Chi Push Hands and firmly established the society’s culture and values), then martial artists of any styles are welcome as long as they abide by the culture and values of the society. 

·        The head of the Society should be responsible for all administrative and executive issues as well as discipline, attendance, programs, schedules, workshops, seminars, visiting experts, disputes, resolution, records etc.

·        The head of the Society is a semi permanent position.

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