Easy Tai Chi ™


Easy Tai Chi ™ is Tai Chi made easy and simple to learn in a short time,  and yet is effective.


*  Simple and Easy to learn.

*  Convenient for busy people with hectic schedules.

*  Based on traditional Tai Chi Chuan,  yet easy to learn.

*  A delight to learn,  a delight to practise.

*  Does not require strength to practise

*  Suitable for all ages, males or females, weak, elderly, infirm,

    chronically ill,  and those debilitated by long illness. 

*  Requires only a 3 feet by 3 feet space. 

*  An excellent prerequisite or foundation for other forms of Tai Chi. 
*  A simple approach is sometimes the most effective approach. 


Easy Tai Chi ™ is the a simplified form of Tai Chi Chuan created by John Chow.   Unlike other modern forms of Tai Chi,  it is completely based on traditional Tai Chi and is not practised for its exquisite artistic or sporting performance.

Easy Tai Chi ™ is simple, easy and fun to learn and practise.  It is very convenient for busy people with hectic schedules.  It is suitable for all ages, males or females, weak, elderly or chronically ill.  It is an excellent prerequisite for other forms of Tai Chi. 


Easy Tai Chi ™ includes basic pushing hands exercises.  Advancement to traditional Tai Chi and advanced pushing hands available.  Only the fit will advance to Tai Chi as a martial art.  .


Principal Characteristics of Easy Tai Chi ™

  • Each posture or movement is practice on both the right as well as the left side.
  • Mental imprint (muscle memory) of each posture is of central importance.
  • There is very little movement involved.
  • The postures tend to be generally small and compact.
  • Each movement is divided into 3 phases during learning:-

·        Posture practice – demonstration, practice and correction of the posture to imprint subconscious memory of the posture.

·        Movement practice - linking the right and left postures.

·        Breathing – co-ordination deep breathing-in and breathing-out with the movement and posture.

  • Each movement is practiced in 6 phases:-

·        Posture.

·        Easing of the foot.

·        Turning of foot and body,  with in-breath.

·        Shifting weight back to the back foot.

·        Shift weight to the front foot, accompanied by execution of posture and out-breath.

  • Deep breathing is emphasized for every movement.



The above steps appear very complicated,  but actually is very easy!

What is the Difference Between Traditional Tai Chi Chuan and Easy Tai Chi ™?

Answer:  Easy Tai Chi ™ is based on traditional Tai Chi and has the same flavour.  However,  it is easier to learn and practise.  Instead of using the longer and wider stances of traditional Tai Chi Chuan,  small and upright stances are used in Easy Tai Chi ™ to cater for the weak and elderly. 


What is the Difference Between Traditional Tai Chi Chuan and Modern Forms of Tai Chi (eg.  Beijing 24,  Beijing48, International42)?

The approach and emphasis are vastly different.  Traditional Tai Chi Chuan is a martial art,  whereas modern forms of Tai Chi are principally exercises for health, artistic performance, or sporting competition.  Although both believe in relaxation,  some theories and practices of the modern forms of Tai Chi are contradictory to the old Tai Chi Chuan classics and advices of the old Tai Chi Chuan masters. 


What is the Difference Between Easy Tai Chi  and Modern Forms of Tai Chi (eg.  Beijing 24,  Beijing48, International42)?

Answer:   Easy Tai Chi ™ is based on Traditional Tai Chi Chuan,  and therefore,  it is different from modern Tai Chi.  Easy Tai Chi ™ is not practised for its exquisite artistic or sporting or competition performance and thus does not have artistic or demonstrative flavour.  


Tai Chi Chuan is a martial art with emphasis on relaxed, effortless movement for utmost efficiency.  One of the fringe benefits of practicing any exercise or martial arts is health, fitness, vitality, discipline and tranquility.  These are fringe benefits,  and not the principal emphasis of the martial arts. 


Easy Tai Chi ™ is part of the Easy Series (trademarked) created by Sifu/Guro John Chow. 

Click on the videos below for a sample.

(sample videoclip)   (sample videoclip)   (sample videoclip)  


Written by John Chow,  a TCM practitioner, masseur, healer, martial arts and spiritual teacher. 

@2000 copyright