Can Yellow Bamboo be Easily Mastered by Most People?


The question here is:-

Can Yellow Bamboo be easily mastered by most people,  even those without some background in martial art, spiritual path or chi kung?



Yellow Bamboo is a spiritual path that appears to combine the science of Internal Power (control and development of prana / chi)  with spiritual power.  This combination creates a powerful synergy that is more powerful, effective, and faster than the sum of the original components.  Thus,  it is easier and faster to achieve the results.  In addition,  because Yellow Bamboo has a fresh, active and living transmission of power from teacher to student,  the results are quickly realised for many students.


For many forms of martial arts, spiritual paths, meditation, yogas, and chi kung,  the results are achieved only after many long and hard years of practice,  or maybe no major results are achieved at all.  Please refer to my article  “The Importance of a Genuine and Living Transmission”  for one of the possible explanation why Yellow Bamboo is effective.  


Because of the nature of Yellow Bamboo,  and because we do not know the karma of all beings,  we can say that while it may be true that students with a strong and solid background in martial arts, spiritual paths, meditation, yogas, and chi kung  may have some advantage over students who do not,  it s not necessary true that the result will be achieved faster.  It is the grace of God,  and it is God’s will.  If God allows it,  then,  it will happen.  Sometimes,  God grants fortunes to people who do not deserve it,  or  even to bad people.  God seems to grant victory to only bad people sometimes,  it seems.  It does not seem to make sense.  Maybe,  this is a test for the good people.  Maybe God is testing whether they are truly committed to the path of goodness and humility.  Do they have patience and perseverance?  Are they fickle and easily discouraged?  Will they do good and not expect any returns?  Will they expect God to reward them?  We have to use our inner wisdom to consider these things.  We must persevere.  God will reward us in the end.  Therefore,  we pray to God for grace and blessing.  


Instead of asking how fast or  whether it is faster,  we should be more concerned with being true to the true God,  and serving his creation, and perhaps God will grant us certain gifts.  That is real spiritual practice! 


The above answer may be wrong or misleading due to the fact that I am new to the spiritual path and do not have much understanding.  If you see my errors,  please email to enlighten me.  Please be constructive.  I will not entertain bigoted, negative, or rude emails.  



Written by John Chow

6 Novemebr 2004