Yellow Bamboo:-  What kind or sort of energy is involved in knocking down fierce attackers?


This is my own view,  and not the view of Yellow Bamboo.


In short,  the force seems to be a combination of the Yellow Bamboo’s internal power and some spiritual energy.  


The Yellow Bamboo had been practising,  with meditative focus on developing and expanding his force field,  and has been building his confidence via the habit of building this shield of energy.  Therefore,  at a crucial time,  he may suddenly and forcefully invoke this shield and thrust out his energy strongly and suddenly,  thus knocking down the attacker.  


The spiritual side of this is more difficult to explain to a non-religious person or a sceptic.  Due to the closeness of the practitioner to God and the deities who are invoked,  when any harm is about to happen to the practitioner,  they will intervene and help to knock down the attacker.  Sometimes,  they may do that independently of the Yellow Bamboo practitioner,  as they have been tests where the attackers were knocked down when attacking the practitioner from the back!  


Note:- Pak Dili,  my friend in Bali who is a teacher of Bakti Negara Silat and Setia Mudah Indonesia Silat,  who,  initially denied any knowledge of such powers  due to his humble demeanour,  told me that he had tried this  “automatic defence from the back” successfully before.  He is not a Yellow Bamboo practitioner,  but a Silat teacher.  (I would suggest to those awfully smart and witty martial artists around the world not to criticise or smear at those who believe and practise such “mystic arts of invulnerability”,  as such practitioners include people like Pak Dili who is a genuine Silat teacher PHYSICALLY,  and may be more than a match for those “over-clever” critics.  Please criticise constructively and factually,  but do not sneer at or offend the Silat masters).  


It was suggested to me by a Javanese Islamic mystic in Bali that it is more spiritual power that is involved because the attackers went into spasms.  To him,  the peculiar spasms that were caused were a sign that some spiritual energy has entered the attacker.  Having observed the reactions of Yellow Bamboo practitioners during their spiritual practice,  this view may have some validity,  because they seem to have a bit of spasm when spiritual energy enters them. 


I have another explanation of the knock down mechanism  -  at least for the lower levels of Yellow Bamboo practices. 

I note that most of the beginning mantras are meant to generate heat/fire.  The heat opens up the subtle channels so that there is unimpeded flow throughout the body and beyond the body.  The heat also burns up toxins and impurities.  The heat also acts as an energy field that explodes and thus a force is generated from the blast.  Imagine a big bomb explosion.  The force of the blast will travel away from the blast and can knock down people and buildings far away,  yet the bomb itself is only a small object.  The force of such a fiery explosive blast from our internal combustion will knock the opponent down.  That is how I imagine the Chi or Pranic mechanism of the fire in the abdomen.  




Note:-  Even though I have seen “strange and inexplicable things”  during my upbringing in Malaysia,  and being brought up in that culture,   still had doubts about kinetiscism or being able to move objects or push objects,  such as exhibited by Yellow Bamboo.  But I had a prior experience myself many years ago which I could not explain in scientific terms.  My years ago,  I was giving an initiation to a lady from Israel into a form of healing in front of my Buddhist altar in my house.  As I was giving it,  a I felt a force bearing down on me,  and it was pushing my head aside!  I looked up and I knew it was a spiritual force,  and I challenged it and shouted at it.  This force was real!  It felt like the sphere of Chi that is generated between one’s hands when practising Chi Kung,  or  something like pushing 2 magnets together.  This “empty air” was dense enough to actually push me.  This was my only experience of “unseen forces that can move objects”.  Therefore,  I can not discount the possibility of spiritual energy in this phenomena.  



If any of you have any more ideas,  please email me so that I may investigate and take appropriate action.  

Please be constructive.  I will not reply to bigoted idiots.  



Written by John Chow

5 November 2004