Story of Tara and the 3 Robbers


This is a true story told to me by an Australian lady, called 'Tara' who lives in the house next door to where I lived when I was at the YB course in Surabrata in September 2004.  There were eye witnesses to this story so I have no doubts it really happened. 


Tara got robbed while she was in the house!   In fact,  the 3 robbers bound and gagged her.

When she freed herself and ran out,  her neighbours were already at her gate.  The Police came.  They called in Pak Suardana,  who happenes to be my YB teacher in the village!  He lives only a hundred metres up the same street. 


Pak Suardana helped the Police look through the house and he noticed something on the floor (using YB scannning and looking for treasure technique).  He picked it up and saw that it was an ID card.  He showed it to Tara and asked her whether this guy is one of the 3 robbers.  She said yes.  He then threw the card on the floor and stepped on it and uttered a mantra.  And he kept his foot on the card.


Guess what?  The thief got stuck and couldn't move at precisely that time.  The 3 robbers were crossing the river that separates the village from the next village.  They were from foreign workers (Javanese,  I think) from the next village.  The unfortunate thing for that robber was he was in the middle of the river when he got stuck and couldn't move!  Tara's neighbours, who were following behind searching for the robbers found him stuck in the river and they beat him up and killed him.


This is an example of how a proficient Yellow Bamboo practitioner can capture a bad person's spirit and "work on him".  Pak Suardana and Pak Sudi told me that one can not simply use this power because Yellow Bamboo is white magic and the practitioner has no power to capture anybody just because he thinks the person needs to be taught a lesson.  ie.,  The Yellow Bamboo practitioner,  just because he thinks a person is bad and harmful,  puts a black spell on that person to teach him a lesson and bring him around.  The person must have done something wrong to the Yellow Bamboo practitioner or to a person who is being treated by the Yellow Bamboo practitioner.  For example,  if the person is a sorcerer who attacked or is attacking the Yellow Bamboo practitioner or his patient with a black spell,  then it is possible to use the pyschic connection created by this action to extract the spell or to control the sorcerer at that point. 


More importantly,  it is important to keep in mind that Yellow Bamboo is a spiritual path,  and is not a magical art or a martial art.  Just practise virtue and find your way to God  -  that is the principal aim of Yellow Bamboo.