Experience of Yellow Bamboo

by Elisabeth,  a Reiki and shamanistic healer,  and acupuncturist.


I am studying the energy system Yellow Bamboo and find the combination of mantras, pranayama and the entire YB system very powerful. You learn how to draw universal energies from outside sources with the help of daily energy exercises, and store this energies in your personal energy center that is known as Hara in Qi Gong, Nei Gong etc. This stored energies mix with your personal energies and make you stronger and healthier. You will also be able to use this extra energies for healings similar as Reiki does.


Yellow Bamboo's techniques also make sense from the energy dynamics point of view. The mantras and pranayama exercises are methods of invoking energies, connecting with them and stimulating the subconscious and superconscious minds, methods of doing this are probably as old as humankind on Earth and have been used in one form or the other (with different words but same intent and same meaning) by shamans, priests, lamas, avatars, etc, since ever.

I feel that it is a great service to humankind that Dr. Alvin Donovan and Mr. Pak Serengen combined methods and introduced them as Yellow Bamboo to everybody who would like to learn them, without making a gainful business out of it. God bless them for their dedicated work and generosity.


If you would like to learn more about Yellow Bamboo please visit their website at http://www.yellowbamboo.com and form your own opinion by downloading free videos and practicing their methods so that they can proof their value to you. A first hand experience is always the best proof.

With warm regards,


Where does this leave healing systems like Reiki Healing?


Reiki, particularly Usui Reiki, is - to my understanding - especially useful for general healing. In the sense of overall stimulation of the patient's self healing process which requires adding healing energies from an outside source via a channel.(The Practitioner, or the healer her/himself) especially if the dis-ease is caused by energy depletion.

MPRUE (Magnussa Phoenix Reiki Universal Energy) is mainly used for energy surgery, it requires the practitioner to actively use the energies and work with them. We remove manually negative (disease) energy clusters, elementals, entity attachments, cordings, implants, blockages in the meridians, etc. You can also use MPRUE for manifestation and energy transformation with the techniques of the higher MPRUE levels. MPRUE is also speeding up the individual spiritual progress with the help of weekly empowerments and meditations.


Yellow Bamboo is an excellent way to store cosmic energy in your own hara and make it available for whatever purpose you need it. As you know, in your Hara you have a storage of your own life energy and when it is depleted, you feel weak, fall sick and eventually die. Now, if you add all this cosmic energies by daily energy exercises etc, you not only regenerate yourself and help your body to function at it's best, but you also have excess energy available for healing others, for manifestation and energy transformation, and - as some whom I know already experienced it - ward off people who attack you. I do not know what else YB can do as I only studied 2 out of 13 levels till now, but I feel that there is much more behind it.


I feel that all three systems can complement each other very well as all of them use universal energy and are based on universal laws and truths, although the individual practical application differs and it is also a question of personal preference what one feels most comfortable with. As for me, I love all three systems and integrate them in my life. One never stops learning, and I might even explore more in future. :-)))))

With love and best wishes,


An explanation of the mentioned YB Healing Technique.

Pre healing you ask the patient what they want to accomplish and how they will know they have achieved it. The patient needs to have a clear definition of her/his complaints and/or subjective or objective healing needs. And should also have a clear idea of the healing goals. That way, this positive attitude will open her or him up for the healing energies. Of additional help would be to ask the patient to do a special meditation or breathing technique during the in-person or distant healing session.

This is to open her/himself up further by distraction from the "suffering mode". Another method would be to do the distant healing during the patient's sleep (or during hypnosis) to avoid the disturbance through her/his "doubting, critical" conscious mind. The latter method is very helpful in cases of "chronic disbelievers" or little children, or people in a coma or with mental conditions.

1. Pray to your god to help you to heal the person.

That is very important. When comparing the power of energy transmission with and without prior asking the Divine for help, one can definitely feel a difference. Also, that way you call the Higher Self of the patient and the angels etc for help in the healing. Without being consciously asked, they will not help in most cases because they honor the free will of the patient. Also, the Higher Self must give it's permission for the healing and will in most cases agree. In rare cases it won't. The reason for the latter would be that the dis-ease has a karmic reason that is not dissolved yet, and the patient needs this condition to learn something important.

2. Put your right hand on the afflicted area and take the fire you build up from the mantra and exercises up from your stomach and out of your right hand and burn the poison out. That is a very powerful way of healing. In most people, the right hand is the dominant and "active, giving" hand, while the left hand is more the "absorbing" and "feeling, testing" hand. In Yellow Bamboo, you build up power by drawing the energies from the cosmos and storing them in your Hara where they mix with your own personal energies. This are daily exercises and are enhanced by the mantra (that uses intent and gives the by nature "neutral" energies purpose and direction).

3. You pull out the poison or bad energy and put it into the ground. After removal of the negative energy structures (the poison) you put them into the ground for Mother Earth to neutralize or transform them into positive energies. Using this intent also helps to prevent them to stay "negative" and attach to vulnerable weak persons by opportunity.

4. You close it up with a protection energy. After removal of the dark "diseased" energy structures you need to fill the energetic "vacuum" that you created by removal of the "negative" energies because otherwise this "vacuum" will suck the removed or other energies from the environment right back in. So, you add healing energies and fill the "vacuum" up with them before closing the "wound" and sealing it with a "band aid" of a protective energy layer that by your intent only allows positive energies to go through. I Hope that helps you to understand the technique better.


Of course, if you do not practice the daily exercises and the mantras, and you have no connection (through the Initiation) to the cosmic energies that YB works with, you will just use your own life-energy or - at the best - channel some other energies from outside sources. Using your own life-energy for healing will result in a "chronic burnout" of your own energy system with possible negative consequences for your health and well-being. That is why proper connection (attunement) and training including daily exercise is necessary. In the daily energy exercises, the cosmic energies that you draw by intent and store in your Hara, are mixing with your own energies and that is the secret of the tremendous powers of YB.


You use the cosmic energies as energy source and your own energies for your willful intent - the intent is giving the neutral cosmic energies direction and focus.

PS: This is not a spam or money making scheme and I have no benefit from posting about it. I want to reach others who might be interested.


With warm regards and best wishes,
