Yellow Bamboo Invulnerability: a Swedish Experience
Below is the experience
of a Yellow Bamboo student in Sweden
posted to the rma newsgroup on
"Ive seen Non yellow
bamboo practitioners trying the attacking
and none of them were able to get more than 1 meter infront of the
person defending before the attacker fell down unconcious.
These practices/trainings
took place in Sweden. Here they did not have
to "join yellow bamboo" and do "full moon initiations" they
wanted to try if it works, and they had the chance to.
To be allowed to attack,
they had to:
ask the teacher for permisson, and then be really angry at the person
they were going to attack, then simply attack him, (ie: trying to
punch him really hard in the face to hurt him)
Everyone that has asked
to try attacking has done it from what ive
heard and seen.
And nobody has been able
to stay on his feet, they have all fallen
down, either unconcious, or just unable to move.
And im talking about, non believers, that were not members of YB, that
didnt believe in it and wanted to try it.