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Traditional Tai Chi Chuan for Health, Self Defence and Spiritual Development Affiliated with us:- Monash University Tai Chi Chuan Club Tai Chi websites related to us:- Tao of Tai Chi Chuan Institute – traditional & authentic Tai Chi Chuan Cheng Man Ching Yang Style Tai Chi Chuan in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Traditional Yang Style Tai Chi Chuan for Health Tai Chi & Chi Kung for Arthritis Traditional Yang Style Tai Chi Chuan as a martial art Exercise! Arnis/Escrima websites related to us:- Kalis Ilustrisimo (Australia) - Filipino martial art of arnis / eskrima Yahoogroups – Kalis Ilustrisimo Recommended Tai Ch
links: research on the history and development of Tai Chi Chuan. Also many interesting
articles of excellent scholarship. * Lee Scheele’s online Notebook: many resources, links, notes on Tai Chi Chuan. Excellent site. * Zhong Ding: all styles of Tai Chi Chuan, predominantly Cheng Man Ching. Also many articles of Tai Chi
Chuan as a martial art in of Nigel Sutton. Has many
branches in Ba Gua, Xing Yi and Silat. Excellent site * Gin Soon Tai Chi Chuan Federation: website of Master Chu Gin Soon who is a student
of GM Yang Sau Chung of Famous Yang Cheng Fu. * World Yong Nian Tai Chi Federation: website of Master Fu Sheng Yuan, son of GM Fu
Zhong Wen. Yang
Style Tai Chi in (site seems to be left half worked on, all reciprocal links taken off at the moment) * Longfei Tai Chi Chuan Association of Great Britain: Dick Watson’s website with many nice articles. * Shadowhand Tai Chi
Chuan: The
new face of Dan Doherty’s Practical Tai Chi Chuan emphasising the martial
aspects of the art but strictly adhering to the principles of Tai Chi Chuan as expressed in the Tai Chi Classics but with a modern approach. * China Wudang Gongfu: Wudang Taoist origin of Tai Chi Chuan * The Tai Chi Site: links, articles, messageboard etc. * China Taijiquan: Chinese language, about Tai Chi Chuan
in in loading. * International Wu Style Tai Chi Federation: official website of the Wu family * International Sun Tai Chi association: * Hao Taijiquan Association: lineage of Hao Shao Ru via Liu Ji Shun. * Wu Style Hao Family Taijiquan: * Wu Wei
Studios: website of David
Chen, Cheng Man Ching
lineage. * Patience Tai
Chi Chuan Cheng Man
Ching lineage in (not reciprocated link) Other recommended
martial arts links: * Beijing Institute of YiQuan: * Yi Chuan Kung Fu: website for Master Cheuk Fung. * Yiquan Academy: Polish website * Virtual Martial Arts Library: Search no more! Just
follow the following links to find the websites you want:- * Martial Arts at - Your online guide to martial arts information from around the globe. Email: * Phone-Soft
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