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Tao of Tai Chi Chuan Institute

for Health, Self Defence and Spiritual Development


Yellow Bamboo

A Balinese way of spiritual development, healing, and protection


Yellow Bamboo Articles


 Letter of Welcome    by John Chow

 Photos from John Chow’s Bali trip (Sept/Oct 2004)  by John Chow

 Yellow Bamboo - Elizabeth’s Experience

 Yellow Bamboo - Peter Semjonow’s Experience1

 Yellow Bamboo - ’Unknown’ Experience

 Yellow Bamboo - Lisa Kern’s Experience

 Yellow Bamboo - UK-European Experience
 Downloadable Yellow Bamboo video course  (warning - for information only, self Pasupati not effective!)

 Yellow Bamboo – Balinese white magic   by Alvin Donovan

 Is Yellow Bamboo the ultimate spiritual path?   by John Chow

 Attitude when attending teachings  by John Chow


Warnings and Caution!


Warnings – practising ithout proper Pasupati

The necessity of obtaining a proper Pasupati

A note on Invulnerability and distant knockdown

Clarification on the role of the Pasupati rite in the downloadable free VCDs



 The following articles,  previously restricted by Guro John Chow, 

 are now being made available,  in order to pacify gross misunderstanding

 amongst many martial arts critics who view Yellow Bamboo as fraud and

 scam.  Most of the articles are written by Guro John Chow,  based on his

 personal understanding and experience in martial arts, healing, medicine,

 mysticism, and the spiritual traditions of many cultures all over the world. 

 What is Yellow Bamboo?   by John Chow

 Benefits of Practising Yellow Bamboo   by John Chow

 How Yellow Bamboo Began   by John Chow

 Description of Yellow Bamboo Levels 1 to 3   by John Chow

 Yellow Bamboo Mantras Levels 1 & 2   by John Chow

 Requirements after Pasupati   by John Chow

 Definition of “Tenaga”   by John Chow

 Concept of Aji in Kanuragan and Tenaga Dalam    by John Chow

 Why Yellow Bamboo power are fast to acquire?   by John Chow

 Importance of Genuine Living Transmission   by John Chow

 Why I learn Yellow Bamboo despite having learnt so many other paths?   by John Chow

 Why would a hardcore martial artist like me learn Yellow Bamboo?   by John Chow

 Why should people attend Yellow Bamboo teachings when they are already  available freely in the internet?   By John Chow

 Should we return Black Curses to the senders?   by John Chow

 Preventing abuse of Yellow Bamboo powers   by John Chow

 The (true) story of Tara and the 3 robbers in Surabrata, Bali   by John Chow

 Yellow Bamboo a martial art?   by John Chow

 Yellow Bamboo – the ultimate martial art?   by John Chow

 ‘Real’ martial artists get their hands dirty?   by John Chow

 ‘True’ martial art or not?   by John Chow

 Knocking down mechanism – possible explanations   by John Chow

 Can attackers recover by themselves?   by John Chow

 Can Yellow Bamboo be easily mastered by most people?   by John Chow

 Why I went all the way to Bali to receive Yellow Bamboo teachings   by John Chow

 Some Silat and Tenaga Dalam websites

 Open letter to my friends   by John Chow

New Florida law of Self Defence April 2005   

Why Silat Masters do not protest they are not frauds or scams   by John Chow   New!

Oldest Tombstone in Malaysia Belongs to a Chinese   by John Chow   New!   Added  9 Oct 2005

Origins of the Great Malay Warrior Hang Tuah   by John Chow   New!   Added 9 Oct 2005


The following are new articles to be added soon:-

John Chow’s trip to Bali, May 2005   Part 1  The Arrival

John Chow’s trip to Bali, May 2005   Part 2  The Celug Agung Hotel Staff

John Chow’s trip to Bali, May 2005   Part 3  The Mantrayana and Pranayama

John Chow’s trip to Bali, May 2005   Part 4  The Latihan

John Chow’s trip to Bali, May 2005   Part 5  Pelontara in Lovina  30 May 2005

John Chow’s trip to Bali, May 2005   Part 6  Pelontaran at Petitenget 5 June 2005

John Chow’s trip to Bali, May 2005   Part 7  Pak Chakra of Lovina (Kaliasem)

John Chow’s trip to Bali, May 2005   Part 8  Another spiritual group

John Chow’s trip to Bali, May 2005   Part 9  Pilgrimage to Menjangan Island

John Chow’s trip to Bali, May 2005   Part 10  Student of Islamic sufi





 ………… more articles will be written to explain the rationale of Yellow Bamboo as an Indonesian/Balinese spiritual path. 


The following articles are restricted to Yellow Bamboo students of John Chow:-    (some articles are restricted to Level 3 and above)

 Description of Yellow Bamboo Levels 1 to 12   by John Chow

 YB Mantra Pranayama   by John Chow



Yet to be written:-

 Ilmu and Tenaga Dalam in Silat Cimande       

 Tenaga Dalam in Perisai Diri Silat

 Concept of Aji in Indonesia

 Tenaga Dalam in Merpati Putih

 Essentials of Subud

 Essentials of Sumarah

 Kebatinan – Soul of Indonesian Mysticism

 Javanese pointers to the primordial unity

 Islamization Of Java: From Hindu-Buddhist Kingdoms To New Order Indonesia

 Loro Kidul, the goddess of the surrounding seas

 Panchasila – Indonesian Attempt at Religious Unity

 How Islam Penetrated Indonesia

 Sufism and the Indonesian Islam Revival

 Historical Development of Religion in South East Asia

 Understanding Indonesia Culture and Traditions: Adat, Ugama, Kejawen, Musyawarah

 Javanese and Majapahit Influences in Bali

 Kejawen – Fabric of Javanese Society

 Influence of Abangan, Santri, and Priyayi on Indonesian Life

 The Hadj and the Quest for Power in Malaysia and Indonesia

 Kejawen, Adat and Islam in Indonesia

 Cult of Ratu Adil in Indonesian Mysticism

 Religion in Indonesia

 Brief Introduction to Javanese religion

 The role of the Dukun in contemporary East Java   by Inez Mahony


It appears,  from my observation,  that most martial arts forum chats are by martial artists and martial arts students.  Senior and true masters of martial arts do not seem participate in the martial art forums  - maybe they are not so much inclined to waste their time?


  “A little understanding is a dangerous thing.  One is inclined to judge others harshly through little minds that are dimly lit,  and denounce others as corrupt, frauds, foolish etc”



    You are invited to visit our related sites:-

Tao of Tai Chi Chuan Institute  traditional & authentic Tai Chi Chuan
Kalis Ilustrisimo (Australia)  -  Filipino martial art of arnis / eskrima

Chi Kung  various Qi Gong methods

Meditation  various meditation methods

Yellow Bamboo – Balinese mysticism, healing, physical and psychic protection

Healing  -  various healing methods

Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine

Spiritual Realms –articles on spiritual matters

Taoist Yoga


Under construction
Updated:  February 2005
This is a temporary webpage only.  Please forgive me for the hurried unprofessional presentation